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Decoding Makeup Magic: The Oxidizing Mystery Unveiled!

Decoding Makeup Magic: The Oxidizing Mystery Unveiled!

"Oh, my God. My foundation is oxidizing. What the hell does this mean? And why does this happen?"

If you've ever experienced your foundation changing colour throughout the day, you're not alone. Foundation oxidation can be frustrating and leave you wondering why your once-perfect shade now looks slightly darker or more orangey. In this blog post, we'll explore the reasons behind foundation oxidation and provide you with tips to prevent it.

Understanding Foundation Oxidation

Foundation oxidation...

A Beauty Odyssey and a Friendship Tale Beyond Glam!

A Beauty Odyssey and a Friendship Tale Beyond Glam!

Get ready to embark on a beauty-filled adventure as we introduce you to the star of the show – Natalie! She's not just a model; she's the queen of our hearts and a source of endless inspiration. Today, let's dive into the incredible story of Natalie, a beauty maven who's not just part of the BOMONDE family, but a true soul sister.

In the dazzling galaxy of beauty, some stars shine brighter than the rest. Natalie is one such radiant star, lighting up our lives in ways words can't describe. She's not just a colleague or...

Is Your Foundation's SPF Playing Hide and Seek with the Sun?

Is Your Foundation's SPF Playing Hide and Seek with the Sun?

Hey there, sun-savvy comrades! We all know that shielding our skin from those sneaky sunbeams is a must, but here's the scoop: relying solely on the SPF in your foundation is like bringing a water pistol to a cosmic water fight – it's just not enough!

Hold onto your sun hats, because Essjay, our skin guru and resident Bomonde whiz, is here to spill the glittering beans on why we need more than foundation SPF to conquer the sun's sizzle. Ready for a skin-saving adventure? Let's roll!

First up, the SPF in your foundation –...

Sustainable Beauty Editorial for University Student Hannah

Sustainable Beauty Editorial for University Student Hannah

Sustainable Beauty Editorial for University Student Hannah

Hi guys, Essjay here from Bomonde and I want to tell you about an exciting collaboration I have got with a university student called Hannah.

Now Hannah is studying in her third year and she's studying makeup for media. And she wants to do a full media campaign all around cosmetics, but using only sustainable and eco-friendly cosmetics.

And this is why she reached out to Bomonde.

We're going to  be sharing some exciting snippets along the way, along...

Sun-Kissed Sizzle: Unveiling My Vacation Must-Have Makeup Magic!

Sun-Kissed Sizzle: Unveiling My Vacation Must-Have Makeup Magic!

Get ready to ride the wave of effortless summer glam, because I'm about to spill the beans on my ultimate vacation makeup essentials! Picture this: sun-soaked beaches, balmy nights, and a touch of radiant allure – that's the vibe we're going for, folks!

Let's dive right in with my first secret weapon: the mascara marvel. It's like a magic wand for my lashes, even when the temperature's turned up to a blazing 35 degrees! From beachside lounging to starlit dance floors, this mascara is the superstar that turns my eyes into a glamour spectacle.
